OMELIE / Omelie EN
19 gen 2025 19/01/2025 – 2nd Sunday in O.T. – year C
19/01/2025 – 2nd Sunday in O.T. – year C
Reading 1 IS 62,1-5 Psalm 95 Reading 2 1COR 12,4-11 Gospel JN 2,1-12
“The Lord delights in you and makes your land his spouse”. These words are a prophecy of newness and joy. The suffering people will be pulled up, consoled, renewed: it will find the certainty and the proof of the love of its Lord and blessing in every aspects of its life. This prophecy comes to pass with the arrival of the Messiah. He is the promised “spouse”, who grants the state of blessing of the people of God, who opens an age of joy and peace. Today’s Gospel is talking about this very age of joy.
The opportunity is offered by a wedding celebration. The spouses, whose marriage feast Jesus, His mother and the few disciples who have already joined Him have been invited to, comes almost in second place. Their feast gives Jesus a great opportunity to show Himself as the one who fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy, as the true and only spouse of the people.
Its true spouse, who is celebrated not only by the little town of Cana, but by the whole world, in fact, is He, the Son of God and Messiah. Only His mother knows Him and acknowledges Him. Not even His disciples have come to appreciate His truer and deeper identity yet.
In the Scriptures, the people of Israel is always identified as God’s spouse. It is, though, a people which is afraid of God, which does not serve Him with love, does not enjoy His presence, does not treasure His words, which has almost forgotten about Him. The way the people is treating God reminds us the behaviour of an unfaithful bride who is looking somewhere else for fulfilment and gives her affection to someone else. This is the source of the sadness and the lack of hope pervading the people: a sad people, without joy, because it does not realise it is loved and it cannot give love.
In Cana, the first word we hear is coming from Mary, the mother. She has realised that the wine is missing on the table of those who have convened for the feast.
Is wine so important? At a wedding, the wine is representing and is the source of joy, of blessing in the life of the spouses. By saying that there is no more wine, Mary points out a lack of joy. She has understood that the true wine is Jesus, He is God’s and men’s joy.
He is there, but nobody knows or recognises Him. We understand this focus of the Mother. The whole people is lacking joy, because it does not live the relationship with God in the love: the latter will be given by Jesus. Mary is certainly more worried about this fact rather than the former. The Son has understood this much.
By answering that His time “has not yet come”, He is saying that the moment for Him to offer His life for the “spouse”, for the people, was not that one. This is not “the hour” of His wedding, which instead will come with the time of His passion and death. By giving them to drink the new wine, taken from those containers used for the water for the ceremonial washings, to wash and purify people to be agreeable to God, He points out that our relationship with God cannot be external. It needs to go deeper into our most inner self: then it bears fruit of joy, communion, celebration!
Jesus is the true spouse who loves and kindles in us a true love for the Father, the fount of true joy. We join the disciples in believing in Him, in building on Him our faith in the God of love, who (2nd reading) covers His spouse in gifts and charismas, like jewels, which make her beautiful and attractive. She attracts people to herself in order to bring everyone to Him, Jesus, who continues to provide the true wine of consolation and joy for the heart. So Jesus completes God’s epiphany, the manifestation of God’s love for the whole world: He has started by showing Himself to the shepherds, then to the wise men, then to the sinners by coming out of the waters of the Jordan, and now at the wedding!
It is God’s joy which is showing in Cana, the joy announced by the prophet: «As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you». This is our joy too, because the Lord, like the groom who covers in jewels and precious garments the bride, has covered us in gifts and charismas to make His Church rich in charity and wisdom, ordered and luminous, the tool of peace and unity for all the peoples.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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