OMELIE / Omelie EN
08/01/2012 – Baptism of the Lord - B 08/01/2012 – Baptism of the Lord - B
08/01/2012 – Baptism of the Lord - B
1Reading Is 55, 1-11 Psalm Is 12 2Reading 1 Jn 5, 1-9 Gospel Mk 1, 7-11
The mystery we celebrate today follows the one that revealed the Son of God that had it’s begining by the angels in Bethlem. Like that day, heaven and earth, that is, angels and shepherds, came together to give glory to the born Child, today the words of John prepare us tot he voice that comes from above, an unknown voice, but that all understand from which source it is coming, because no one calls a man son if not his own father: if the voice comes from above, it is that of God the Father. Then John speaks of the Son as someone who is powerful, “more powerful than I am”: the reference to the prophesies were clear for those who used to listen to them every Saturday. He is powerful, he who overcomes the enemy, and the enemy of man is the one who makes man sin, that is, draw him away from God. The one who is powerful is to come, therefore only he can overcome sin which had already brought low man, all men, and had taken away from their heart the joy, and peace from their relationships. The immersion by which John use to make men bathe is only a preparation for the work which was yet to be fullfilled: “he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit”. He shall work from within the heart, change “the hearts of stone into hearts of flesh”, capable to receive the Spirit of God. Again the prophets are a back ground for these words. Then when Jesus himself came out of the water, where he had entered with all the other sinners, a double wonder happened: the ascending of the Spirit upon him and the voice heard by all “You are my beloved son, in whom I am pleased”. Even these words eco the Sacred Scriptures: the joy of God is fulfilled because his will of salvation is finally fulfilled. Jesus is the fulfillment of the plans of God, the carrier of his love for men: in fact, by entering in that water which washed all sinners, he took up himself their sin. He changes our life: it was only and always an awaited life, now it becomes enjoyment, peace, and joy.
The joy of the Father reflects on all of creation. Even though evil continues to make us suffer, we know that it has been overcome and the one who immers us in the warmth of God’s love is here.
The love of God! John, the evangelist, continues to speak to us about it. His First Letter is a hymn to the love of God. It is a love that almost confuses us, because it creates a circle that unites one and all. God loves us, and therefore to love means to answer back with love, and who loves God, loves also his brethren, and to love them one needs to obey the comandments.
These are the demonstration of God’s love for men; love, then, having overcomed the enemy, generates faith, and faith helps us to fix the eyes of our hearts on the Son of God, on Jesus. He is the greatest gift of God’s love for us; “the Spirit, water and blood” show us this and convince us that Jesus is all, all the love of the Father and all that is necessary for the life of his children. “The Spirit, water and blood” is like all that which forms our life. When we are with Jesus all our being in all it’s components, body, soul and relationships, family or social, all reach fulfillment: this is shown by the joy and peace we experience. Who confess his sins and took part in the celebration knows all this and is able to confirm it.
After we have done this experience, we can welcome the invitation of the Lord through the words of the prophet: “All you who are thristy, come to drink, you who have no money, come; buy and eat; come, buy without money, without paying, milk and wine. Why do you waiste money on what is not bread, what you gain does not satisfy you? Come on, listen to me and eat good things and enjoy succulent foods. Give me ear and come to me, listen to me and you live”.
The on going temptations might carry us away from the source of life, betray us. The bread that satisfy and the water that quenches, a free gift, are rappresentated by the one who is from the decendency of David, “made a witness between the peoples, prince and lord over the nations”. He is one like us at Jordan, brought low under the hand of John, but exhalted by the voice from heaven, he is above us. Let us renew our desire to listen to him, to love him, never to leave him. The joyful festivity of Christmas shall not be a parenteses of our life, but a fixed reality, an on going support to that love who changes the world.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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