OMELIE / Omelie EN
05 lug 2020 05/07/2020 - 14th Sunday in O. T. - A
05/07/2020 - 14th Sunday in O. T. - A
Reading 1 ZEC 9,9-10 * Psalm 144 * Reading 2 ROM 8,9.11-13 * Gospel MT 11,25-30
The Holy Spirit, Saint Paul is telling us today, dwells in you, gives us life, taking part in God’s perfect one. And we know that God’s perfection is about His mercy, which Jesus has experienced on the cross, when He could say: “It is finished”, meaning everything has being brought to perfection. In fact He had lived love till the end, till asking for the forgiveness of the enemies, of the sinners who were insulting Him. But, the apostle says, God’s Spirit is helping us also“put to death the deeds of the body”. The deeds of the body are those exterior things and consequences coming from our selfishness that are making us feeling bad, disorienting and dividing us, shredding our desires for good and the harmony with other people. Deeds of the body are also the tendencies to satisfy our proud need to feel ok: these, in fact, open the door to let in us pride and arrogance. Pride and arrogance prevent then us from welcoming the small and big signs and actions through which God reveals Himself and gives Himself to men.
Jesus is telling us the same thing, when He confides Himself and rejoicing blesses the Father. The latter reveals to the little ones His mysteries, which He hides from “the wise and the learned”, those who think they are important and cannot humble themselves to accept the fact that God, the great and terrible God, would let us meet Him through a man, His Son come in the poor human condition.
Who knows the Son? Who knows how to welcome Him and love Him? Only the Father knows and loves Him, and therefore it is necessary to meet the Father, know and love God as Father! This is possible for the Son, the Son who can talk to our ears because His voice reaches them very naturally: this is the reason why He has taken up the human condition. The Son knows the Father: we will therefore stick to Him, under the influence of His presence and His Spirit, in a way to receive His revelation of the Father! He Himself is inviting us:“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened…”.
How many times have we heard these words? And how many times have we forgotten them? When we have taken them seriously and we have obeyed getting closer to Him, have we ever been disappointed? Labors and burdens are subsequent, we always have new ones, and always again we look for…, maybe forgetting that other times we have already found solace coming from Jesus!
“Take my yoke upon you”: the yoke is the tool that the farmer puts around the neck of the animal in order to make it drag the cart along. If the cart is heavy, the yoke is heavy. If the cart is light, also the yoke is light! The yoke we have now is very heavy, because we are dragging the cart loaded with the weight of our selfishness. If we want to do everything by ourselves or with other people's help, our cart is making us sweat a lot and it does not give us any satisfaction. The yoke has also the function of linking two animals together in order to drag the same cart: take Jesus' yoke upon would mean, in this case, joining Him , His labor, His task in the world. What load is Jesus making us drag? The loads on Jesus' cart are made of love, and love does not burden. If we drag the cart together with Him, Jesus' yoke weights all on His shoulders, and we are left with satisfaction and peace!
Jesus' cart is not a war chariot. This is telling us the prophet Zechariah with the beautiful and simple image of the king who is coming. He is “a just savior, meek, and riding on an ass”, and this is why His burden is light, and because He is humble His yoke is easy!
I am coming to you Jesus: I will carry your burden, so I will get to know the Father who loves you and sends you, I will love and receive His love that feels my life with sweetness, which will become God's gift to my brethren!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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