OMELIE / Omelie EN
26 mag 2024 26/05/2024 – The Most HolyTrinity – B
26/05/2024 – The Most HolyTrinity – B
Reading 1 DET 4,32-34.39-40 Psalm 32 Reading 2 ROM 8,14-17 Gospel MT 28,16-20
We Catholic Christians often sign ourselves with the sign of the cross, a task performed with the right hand, clearly visible and meaningful. We are not doing so for other people, but for ourselves, to remember and celebrate the love God has for us. If others can see it it is not a problem, because they can always see our love for them too, ignited by God. It is a good thing we know and everyone knows which is the source of our ability to love.
The sign of the hand is accompanied by the reminder of the name of our God, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. In this way we repeat what has been told us when we had been baptised: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! We continue to live and operate immersed in that Name, so in the life of love of our God.
Our God is one, as the Scriptures say, and as we repeat every time we pray the Creed. So why do we contemplate Him in three Persons? Can a single God be three Persons?
It is a legitimate question, which all Christians should know the answer to. Not all of us can, if the question is asked by others, because is not easy to find the right words, but at least we should be able to answer when the question pops up in our own mind or our own heart.
God is one, but He is not self-contained. He is love, and love is about giving oneself: so God is Love given and therefore also Love received. If I think of God as love, I find joy to think of Him as a family, nay, only in this way I can understand Him as love.
In the only love there is space for the love which takes initiative (the Father) and the love which accepts the propositions (the Son), and also the love which cooperates (Holy Spirit) supporting each others’ love. In the single God there is space for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are not three entities or people far away or independent from one another, but three abilities to love in a single heart.
We do not have adequate words or images to express our understanding of the only God-Trinity: we have to make do with a partial understanding, while deep down we know that if God was not three persons who love one another, we should be afraid of Him. We then are not satisfied of understanding it, but we receive a place in Him, we live in Him, and from Him we receive the love our mutual communion is feeding on.
The biblical readings help us: “the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below”: God is the Father who is in heaven, is the Son who came in our humanity for us and is also “a Spirit of adoption”, through which we can use Jesus’s words to say to the Father: “Abba, Father”!
God’s life, when we slowly get to know it, explains many aspects of our life and opens new possibilities for us of love and communion. It is important we get to know Him: we cannot be happy just with the sign of the cross accompanied by the words of our Baptism, but we should try go meditate them, go deeper, asking the Holy Spirit to open our mind to see God’s work and our heart to share Jesus’s love.
Already this gift has been offered to us, but we can always take more than what we have already welcomed. Let us continue to open our heart to receive still the abundance of the light and the strength of the love of the Father and Jesus.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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