OMELIE / Omelie EN
5th. Sundary in Ordinary Season - B 05/02/2012 – 5th. Sunday in Ordinary Season - B
05/02/2012 – 5th. Sunday in Ordinary Season - B
1Reading Job 7,1-4.6-7 Psalm 146 2Reading 1Cor 9,16-19.22-23 Gospel Mk 1,29-39
“If I lay down I say:
We see that after Jesus healed many from their illnesses, after having done so much good, he retires in prayer, in silence, in solitude. And there he prays, he has a relationship with the Father, and of course ask himself questions. What‘s the use that he healed Simon's mother-in-law, many other sick people and freed the oppressed by evil spirits? What's the use? In the prolonged silence Jesus finds the answer. To men, healing from disease, even liberation from the spirits that makes their life difficult and coexistence, is of no use. Men need to hear the Word, the Word of God. They are not fulfilled men until they come into relationship with their Father. They all need, even those who are not sick, not just those who are oppressed by unclean spirits, they all need to hear the word of one who loves them. "If you do not speak to me, I am like one who falls into the pit," says a psalm! Who does not receive the Word of God is dead. The Word is life, is the bread that nourishes, is living water which quenches thirst, is the light that guides, is salvation. Jesus understood that he must go where none has been able to give his word, and also leads his disciples where people can listen to the proclamation of the kingdom of God. Healings, deliverances are necessary, but more important than everything is to receive God's love in the form of word, so that one can also respond. Thanks to its received word that the demons flee and never come back, and above all it is thanks to his word that every heart opens to receive the Spirit of the Father, and you begin to feel good.
The apostle St. Paul understood this need and urgency. He lets us know and want to send all his passion for preaching the gospel. And if the gospel is received as a gift he gives to every one without expecting a human reward. His work is voluntary: it's tiring, but done with joy, without thinking to gain some ground. In fact, since his preaching is received without difficulty, he becomes "everything for everyone", it's puts himself lower than all the others, becomes the servant of all, to save some. He knows that the salvation of each person goes through the listening of the gospel.
Today we are speaking of a "new evangelization": why? We see that children and adults, families, young men and women, live unable to give meaning to their existence, to their own labor. We see them suffering, who show contempt for life to suppress it, or set its course on the streets of death, we see them unable to enjoy and celebrate. We see crowds worshiping idols themselves, which can never satisfy the hunger and thirst for eternity and communion. We see people crying out of the lack of useless or even harmful. We see them fall in love with the reality that will leave disappointed. We know that this is because they do not know the good news, do not know the gospel, do not have Jesus in your heart.
It’s our mission to help one and all to find that name in which they can be saved. It is our mission to baptize them and to give living water to who is thirsty, that is, giving some knowledge about Jesus to those to receive only vinegar of empty words. Our mission: I say our, not only of us priests, but of all the Church. Who loves Jesus desires to make him known and loved!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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