OMELIE / Omelie EN
20 set 2020 20/09/2020 – 25th Sunday in O. T. - year A
20/09/2020 – 25th Sunday in O. T. - year A
Reading 1 IS 55,6-9 Psalm 144/145 Reading 2 PHIL 1,20c-27a Gospel MT 20,1-16
Saint Paul confides to the Philippians the desire to be called by the Lord to conclude his labour in order to enjoy Him: however, he is ready to give that up if his work is regarded by the Lord as useful for the brethren. He does not want that his desire to be with the Lord might look in any way like selfishness, because he wants to be of help to the faithful. This apostle's will is a stimulus for us. Are you Jesus Christ's possession? Have you been conquered by Him? Are you living a living, sincere, steadfast faith? So you too will look for occasions to be of help to the brethren, to be a missionary for those who do not believe, to be a father to those who are still without the eternal life. Jesus did not benefit us, forgive us and renew us, so we could continue to live thinking only of ourselves, and neither so we could think of other people only in terms of health and earthly well-being. He wants us to be His cooperators in God’s Vineyard.
To be God's cooperator! In order to be so, we need to free ourselves from our ways of looking and thinking, because, the Lord says: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways”. It is quite easy for our ways to be wicked, because on them runs our selfishness. Therefore, in order to cooperate with Him, it is necessary to abandon our ways and our thoughts. This is no easy task, but very fruitful. In fact the Lord is counting on us. And He says it today with a parable.
Today it tells properly how the Lord is always looking for he who makes an effort for Him. At all times He goes out to see if anyone is out of job. Are you among these? Maybe you work a lot, maybe you are super busy doing different things, but are those all outside His Vineyard? Have you some work in the Kingdom of God? Are you cooperating with the brethren's faith? Be ready to answer the Lord: He keeps looking for someone to do some work with Him, His work, for men's spiritual good, for the building of the Church. Pay attention to His proposals or His calls. Are you young? Are you adult? Are you old? There is room for everyone, there is work for everybody. There is no such thing as right or not right people; the places are not reserved for someone more worthy.
Jesus is looking among those who do not know many things, among those who are little and poor, even among those who feel rejected by everyone, even among those who have never worked with Him. He confirms it by telling about the many outings of the “landowner” in order to find workers for his vineyard. The vineyard, in the biblical culture, reminds of the prophets' parables which tell of the people of God. To work in the vineyard means to be busy for the good of the people of God: today we would say “for the Church”. Working for building the Church is working for every single person's spiritual well-being, so those are united to Jesus, so there is harmony and love among them and nobody live just for themselves. If the Church is healthy, if in it burns the fire of God’s love and if in it love for one another is fostered, this will be an advantage for everyone, even those who are not part of it: it is always true that it is like the yeast, like the salt, like a small flame the warmth and the light of which are diffused around it.
In the parable, above all is surprising the conclusion, and really it looks like that the latter is very important to Jesus: the last one to arrive receives the same wage as the one who has been sweating since the very first light of the day, so much so that the latter finds that the employer has been unfair. This is the way of thinking and living of this world. My experience instead is the following: when I make an effort for the Lord, I receive joy for every person who reaches Him, it does not matter if they arrive at the last minute. My joy is Jesus' joy, it is having the very same heart. My reward is the brother's joy. When I work and labour for the Lord, I do not ask nor I look for anything for myself, because I have become a little like Him, I have become love myself! God's thoughts are different from those of the men, but when we live for Him, His thoughts become ours, joyfully! The reward the Lord gives them, who work with Him and for Him is not shareable, it cannot be more or less: His reward is divine, is perfect. The reward is the communion with Jesus, and this is always full and perfect joy.
Jesus, do not give me anything, let me only see my brethren happy, let me see them safe in your hands, holding on to you and enjoying you: my joy will be full, and my reward perfect!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
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- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
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- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
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- Die Psalmen
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- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
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- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
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