OMELIE / Omelie EN
27 giu 2021 27/06/2021 – 13th Sunday in O. T. - B
27/06/2021 – 13th Sunday in O. T. - B
Reading 1 WIS 1,13-15; 2,23-24 Psalm 29/30 Reading 2 2COR 8,9.13-15 Gospel MK 5,21-43
Many questions we ask ourselves remain often unanswered: how can we face death? What should we think in front of the overpowering strength of illness? How can we resist the Devil? The latter, being invisible, acts against us without us being able to grab it and win. But God does not leave us without answers. And His answers are not words, but actions, exactly how we all desire.
The answer with which God wants to solve our doubts is Jesus' person! Look at Jesus who is walking beside Jairus; look at Him while He is trying to meet the gaze of the woman who suffers of chronic haemorrhages; look at the way He listens to what he who fusses and raises his voice to shout has to say.
Jesus does not run when Jairus tells Him about the imminent death of his little girl. The reality of the awfully close death and pain for the parents who are about to be left alone without children does not scare him. The suffering woman, and continuously in danger of dying, made impure by her own illness itself, does not disorient Jesus. He does not need to do anything for the woman: so, she thinks that is enough for her to touch by herself the hem of his mantle, the hem which is the sign of the obedience to the Father. Jesus is not only the answer of God to our questions, but also their solution. In front of Him and thanks to his Word illnesses disappear and death leaves giving back the life it has stolen.
There is one thing we need to notice. The woman needs to make the effort to win a resistance, which is strong in her: showing publicly her faith in Jesus. Instinctively she would not do that. Jesus is asking this effort of her so the illness might be won for good and the impurity too. And before vanquishing death in the house of the chief of the synagogue, the latter needs to accept to be tested by his own disbelief and mocked for his faith as the Lord himself is mocked.
The world accepts the domination of death on itself, therefore is mocking Jesus and whoever is turning to Him with true faith. The world has given up complaining about the damages brought by the devil, in case it tries to negotiate with him. Whoever loves God instead welcomes the “Answer” that He gives, His Son come to stay with us: he will have other sufferings to bear, taking part joyfully in His, which are source of salvation for all men. The sufferings that the faithful meets as faithful are not making him sad, because they are not a temptation for him: they are instead the occasion to show fortitude and stability, they are the occasion for communion with every brethren who are suffering in the world for the rejection of their faith by men.
The apostle Paul is recommending us today to be caring towards these brethren. The Corinthians, he is writing to, are enjoying a moderate wealth: why shouldn't they think of the poverty, or even indigence, of other believers who are living in poorer places? How can they bear that their brethren in the faith might be dying of starvation! Those who were suffering because of poverty, have a living faith, strong, indestructible: they are always stretching their hands towards the Father trustfully. If you, being able to do so, give them something to live off, their faith will make yours stronger too: you will take, thanks to the mysterious exchange of spiritual goods made possible by the Holy Spirit Himself, part in the richness of their faith and their closeness to God.
Let us go back to the gospel: the woman has started suffering when the little girl was born, the very one that now, at 12, has died. This coincidence too must remain for us a mystery. 12 years are important: Jesus Himself at that age has begun looking at the Father in a more mature way and looking at men, including his parents, with God's eyes.
The answer to all mysteries is still Jesus. When He arrives life, peace and communion enter us. Hallelujah!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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