OMELIE / Omelie EN
7th. Sunday in O. S. - B 19/02/2012 – 7th. Sunday in O. S. - B
19/02/2012 – 7th. Sunday in Ordinary Season - B
1Reading Is 43,18-19.21-22.24-25 Psalm 40 2Reading 2Cor 1,18-22 Gospel Mk 2,1-12
Today’s Liturgy is a hymn to the love of God! We can never come to realise how big it is. Isaiah assures us of it by revealing the intentions of God: He knows that his people is rebellous, up to the point of being tired of his goodness to them. It is a people who works iniquity, but God is and remains his faithful God. Therefore he wants to starts all over again: “Do not remember the things passed, do not think about old things! Here, I am going to do something new: it is springing now...”. a new thing? Yes, a new thing: he does not even want to remember the sins of his people, he wants to cancel them. His love goes over and above every expectation: God cancels sins without even being asked to do so. God loves faithfully: his faithfulness is firm, it is not broken not even by the sins of men. St. Paul says it in other words over and over again. The Son of God is the yes of the Father, a yes that assures with certainity that his love is not going to end. Jesus is te love of God for us sinners, and even more, his Spirit in us the the garantee fo this.
All this is realized and said with the fact told to us today by the evangelist. Jesus, once the lepper was healed, had to remain outside the villages, but now, after some days returns to Caparnahum. People went to meet him at home, chosen by him as a refuge, and they fill the place inside out. “He was proclaiming to them the Word”: the evangelist didnt see it necessary to tell us what was Jesus proclaiming. But what happened is worthy to be under lined because it is not usal from begining to end. They wanted to bring him a sick person, a paralitic, one who is not able to walk. We can immagine the motive: given the fact that he had already healed many, there is the certainty that he can heal also these. The crowd present is an obstacle for their intention, but it did not move their faith: they go up on the roof and made an opening upon the room where he was. When Jesus found himself before a paralitic brought down like this...infront of him...what does he see? He sees their faith and the sins of the paralitic. We can also see the faith of those who carried him, but we are not able to see sins of the paralitic man. Which sins did he see? It is of little importance, because we know our sins, those which he is to forgive all, when we come closer to him with faith. See the sins accompanied with the faith in him, Jesus sees the also the forgiveness of the Father: that man accepts Jesus as his Saviour, as God’s gift, and therefore sin has no more power over his heart, is forgiven.
The Scribes, those who knew the Law, but not necessary knew the love and the heart of the Father, and therefore knew not the Son, these react. Up to now they have listened attentively to Jesus, now they judge him and condemn him. They dont have sins to be forgiven, and therefore they cannot come to enjoy that a poor man is forgiven, who certainly was more a sinner: his condition shows.
It seems as if Jesus wanted to joke with them. He puts infront of them and embarissing question. It is earier to forgive or to hearl? Who can answer? Both belong to God, and are only of God. But is it that God is so far away that he cannot interveen on earth? No, God is near, even so he is here, he sent his Son to do his work. Healing can be verified, forgiveness not. Forgiveness to be seen needs faith, and faith has to have a the reason to exists so that the healing can truly happen. God is at work in the words and in the will of Jesus. He heals, he forgives with a forgiveness that is of God. Jesus is truly the “yes” of God, the demonstration that the love of the Father follows us and reaches us.
The conclusion? Let us renew our belonging to Jesus, our love for him, our active listening to his every single world and to his every single action. Looking at Jesus we shall be helped to see our sins, and ask for forgiveness. From the forgiveness we ask from Jesus and that we give together with him, come the healing of the wounds of the sould and the sickness of the body. From the forgiveness that Jesus gives us and help us to give, is to save us and the whole society around us. The Lenten Season we shall soon begin will be a precious occassion to excerzise ourselves to overcome all the evil of the heart and of the world with our love for Jesus, with his Word that binds us with heaven.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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