OMELIE / Omelie EN
06/05/2012 06/05/2012 – 5th. Sunday in Easter Season - B
06/05/2012 – 5th. Sunday in Easter Season - B
1Reading Ats 9,26-31 Psalm 21 2Reading 1Jn 3,18-24 Gospel Jn 15,1-8
“We are born in the truth”. Today, the use of this terminology, the truth, is very difficult. In a climate of relativism like ours, it is easy to think that the truth does not exist, or better, that for each and everyone good is what it seems to him to be good. The question of Pilate to Jesus – “What is the truth?” – is not heard anywhere and therefore no answer is awaited. That’s why John surprises us when he says in his first letter exhorts us with this affirmation: “We are born in the truth”. He presents the truth as if our mother, or like the enviorment in which we received our existence. What does he want to say with the terminology truth? This terminology presupposes that there are ridden realities, but important to understand our same life and it’s aim. There is one small truth, and it is the answer to short question marks that belong to single facts that happen around us and of which something remains hidden: when did it happen? How? Where? Who was it? These small and everyday questions leave us to think that there is a higher truth as an answer to more committed questions: where do I come from? Where I an going? Who runs the world? What is waiting for us beyond this time? Is there a rule by which all can live in peace?
Truth is therefore the coming of the light of what is ridde, and it is important as much as the roots of a tree are important. They too are hidden, even so they give life and support to the trees to bear fruit. They are and they work, even though many walkj over them without seeing them, without thinking of them or even injecting in them poison to harm or kill them.
Turth is that which no one see, but supports all. That is why John in his Gospel tells us: “no one has ever seen God: his only Son, who is in the bossom of the Father, he revealed him” the great truth is then the coming of the light of the one who no one has ever seen, even so he is our creator and the one who sustains us, and he is made known to us through the Son who took upon himself our flesh, Jesus.
Jesus is therefore the truth, the manifestation of God, the root of our existence, the place where we were born, in which we have a true life. How can we be sure that we come from him and that therefore we are divine, sons and daughters of God? Love is present in us, that love that is manifested in the offerring of ourselves, the free gift of ourselves, as one who offers and gives himself freely to God himself. This is the proof that we are his own, that from him we receive life, that from him springs our Energy.
John in his letter would insist on this truth, and can insist because he remembered the words of the Lord himself, who used the parable of the wine tree and the branches to explain his relationship with the disciples. In the evangelical page in fact he used these words. The branches live because they are one with the wine, and until they are united, they can bear fruit. If they are cut off they wont live and are uselss, good to be put to fire. The braches are under the care of the wine dresser, who passed by each and every one to cut and prune. Outside of the metaphor, the disciples receive life and the capacity to be usefull to the world by the Lord, and enjoy the attention of the Father. These attentions are the prunings, facts that can make us suffer. The disciple therefore, always and above all, to be united to Jesus. He is the secret of the truth of his life, of his realisation, of the preciousness of his exitence. We are to stay united to Jesus in the listening of the word and living his words, obeying his teachings.
The first letter offers us an example. Paul has been newly converted and went to Jerusalem. Here he came across alot of sufferrings: first and foremost the same believers did not trusted him, and were afraid to take him in to their comunities. Then the greek speaking Jews wanted even to kill him. Hence he need it to runa way. He experienced the pruning of God. thanks to this pruning that he shall form and prepare himself to be of great help to the believers and to be a missionary for the pagan world. He tries to find refuge in his home town, Tarsus, where Barnabas was to preceed him to begin to evangelize the great city of Antioch. Truth of his life remains Jesus, foundation of his new existence!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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