OMELIE / Omelie EN
29 dic 2024 29/12/2024 – Sunday of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - year C
29/12/2024 – Sunday of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - year C
Reading 1 1SM 1,20-22.24-28 Psalm 83 Reading 2 1JN 3,1-2. 21-24 Gospel LK 2,41-52
Today the liturgy is bringing us to contemplate the Family Jesus was welcomed in, and, consequently, to reflect on the ways to see and live the relationships in our families. Jesus was welcomed in the holy and chaste love of Mary and Joseph. The Word of God is not saying anything about how they were loving each other: instead, it is telling us how both were obedient to God. When this will is present in two spouses, everything is already clear about their mutual relationship.
When two spouses want to obey the God of the Covenant, all their actions and all their desires tend to look for occasions to donate themselves, ready to forget about themselves, happy to offer joy and show the signs of God’s holiness. By obeying God, Joseph had welcomed Mary, without doubting anymore her holiness and her one-of-a-kind vocation, and he has offered to serve, with his skills, Mary and the Son she was looking at in praying silence.
We are used to look at and pause to consider Jesus who was born in the poverty of the stable. Will we be able to take on the spiritual condition of obedience to God, of faithfulness, detachment from earthly things, rejection of the things we enjoy and our pleasure, of attention to the eternal Word, the condition in which Jesus was welcomed by Mary and Joseph?
When two spouses become able to notice this condition of the holy Family, they will be also able to imitate it. Their children will grow up in an environment of peace, serenity, joy and freedom.
Today is difficult, everyone might say. Today is difficult to offer to the children an environment that is different from the one the world is offering us, the world which is cheating and, with its idols, ruins all human relationships.
What is difficult cannot frighten us, if it is the way of the life. We should instead let ourselves be frightened by the way of the death, the easy way. For Mary and Joseph too must have been difficult, for them too was about being different welcoming Jesus for obedience to God, for faith, for abandonment to the Father’s providence.
Instead, we can ask ourselves: in a world like ours, can parents create in their own family the environment which allows their children to grow and develop in serenity, peace, agreement and in the joy? In order to do so there is no other way than the faith lived with purpose and faithfulness.
The spouses who take into account their own feelings will always be hesitant. Those who take into account the faith in God are confident: they can suffer, like Mary and Joseph have suffered too, but they offer to their children and the whole society an environment of stability and peace.
We all need to pray, and pray hard, because this type of families cannot take shape but with prayer. And the prayer of a family is supported by everyone’s prayer.
Do you want healthy families? You have to manage to introduce serenity in them. Do you want serene families around you? You will not leave to anyone else to promote prayer. Look at Mary and Joseph: every year they labour to go up to Jerusalem. They get their son used to go every Saturday to the synagogue and offer God every day the prayers of morning and evening. Look at them more often than you look at those families in disarray.
May Mary and Joseph intercede for those families which are not looking at them as an example to follow! “We receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him”: so reassures us the apostle John. We will then pray with trust for the families, we will not only pray with words, but above all by observing God’s commandments. The first is “we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another”. We will give importance to what we ask God with our faith in Jesus, and the attention to the brethren. We will always remember we are not in this world to feel great, but to do the most holy will of our God and Father!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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