OMELIE / Omelie EN
26/6/2016 04/06/2017 – Sunday of Pentecost - A
04/06/2017 – Sunday of Pentecost - A
1st reading Acts 2,1-11 * from Psalm 103 * 2nd reading 1Cor 12,3b-7.12-13 * Gospel John 20,19-23
I have been impressed with two expressions: "all together", and then "on each of them". They appear to be contradictory words, but they give a complete view of who we are men. 'Being together' evokes the desire to celebrate, to peace, to the joy of mutual help, to the love we receive, and to the jo
Reading the readings of today y of giving. Being together is the dream of everyone, adults and children. We are made to live in communion, because only then joy fills our hearts. It is in the whole that "every one" emerges, that everyone is satisfied because he feels loved in his singularity and can express his love to others. The apostles are "all together in the same place", they are experiencing a time of peace and communion. It is in this circumstance that, unexpectedly, the expected prodigy of nine days takes place, but it happens for "each of them". The fire suddenly appeared to illuminate them and ignite them does not just lighten everyone, but divides into as many languages as they are, and each 'tongue' sits on each of them. Everyone, by preserving their identity, is reached by the "tongue" "as of fire" and is made new by the Holy Spirit, which makes his fear vanish and opens his mouth. Everyone now has something to say, and they want to announce it. Everyone wants to talk about the works of God, and especially about the work they have witnessed, the death and resurrection of Jesus! All apostles now speak with courage and great security to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the pilgrims who come from all over the world, and they understand. It is a miracle to speak of each of the Twelve, and it is a miracle that everyone hires and understands, each one in their own language.
They are all united and everyone begins to cooperate in the unity of all. The Spirit has come to renew the face of the earth. It is the Spirit that Jesus had resided on his first time in the midst of them, as the gospel told us today. It is the Spirit that gives the Twelve even the ability to forgive sins, so that they are truly forgiven also in heaven, and that each of those who receive forgiveness begins to live life as God has delivered it to man in the moment In which he created it. The Holy Spirit truly renews the earth, beginning to forgive: those who are forgiven return to live communion with God the Father begins a life full of goodness and love, peace and fidelity, simplicity and communion. They are all united and everyone begins to cooperate in the unity of all. The Spirit has come to renew the face of the earth. It is the Spirit that Jesus had resided on his first time in the midst of them, as the gospel told us today. It is the Spirit that gives the Twelve even the ability to forgive sins, so that they are truly forgiven also in heaven, and that each of those who receive forgiveness begins to live life as God has delivered it to man in the moment In which he created it. The Holy Spirit truly renews the earth, beginning to forgive: those who are forgiven return to live communion with God the Father begins a life full of goodness and love, peace and fidelity, simplicity and communion.The Holy Ghost, then, when it comes by operating forgiveness in the heart of a man, opens his mouth to recognize that Jesus is the Lord, the King of the Kingdom of Heaven, is clothed with the authority of God himself.The Spirit comes to enrich anyone who receives it. He distributes spiritual gifts, "charisms," the ability to collaborate with other faithful to the "common good." The wealth of one is a benefit for everyone. And all, albeit of language and of different nationality or culture, find themselves united by the same love for the Son of God, for Jesus, through the SpiritThe faithful have continued to invoke the Holy Spirit: without it they can not live, for their lives would lose meaning and value. Without it they would feel their empty life, slave of selfishness, cold and undesirable. Christians shout with all their voices: Come, Holy Spirit, send us a ray of your light from heaven! They invoked him because they realized that his presence was amiable and precious. They know, by daily experience, that every consolation comes from him, and that his presence in us brings peace and serenity. And yet they know that by invoking it, every difficult moment we get is a solution: "in restless fatigue, in sheltered heat, in tears of comfort." It is in fact that he keeps us in constant harmony with the Father help us to move away from us sin. And if, by our weakness, this had ruined the relationship, "wash what is sordid, wet what is arid, healthy what is bleeding" and rejoin the divided hearts.We continue to want his presence, his breath, his custody, his strength. We want him to be able to pray, and then to love without remembering the offenses received and to carry out our services so that they are useful to the development of the kingdom of heaven.Come, Holy Spirit! Thanks to you will come the love of the Father and of the Son, their holy communion, their lasting peace. Come, Holy Spirit!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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