OMELIE / Omelie EN

22 lug 2018
22/07/2018  16ª Sunday of O. T. - B 

22/07/2018  16ª Sunday of O. T. - B 

Reading 1, Jeremiah 23,1-6 * Psalm 22 * Reading 2, Ephesians 2,13-18 * Gospel, Mark 6,30-34


It is so beautiful to see how tender Jesus is towards the apostles, when they come back from their first mission. He listens to their stories: their efforts and their accomplishments. And then, noticing that they are tired, he thinks of giving them some time off, to rest and recover, enjoying His company. Maybe He is also thinking of taking some time to teach them, going deeper into those teachings He has already given to the crowds too. “Come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while”. This invitation is still accepted nowadays by many faithful and priests, every day busy in many occupations in the Church: they do it by leaving either for a day or, at least once a year, for a week of retreat in some environment where they are helped stay focused on Jesus!

But Jesus needs to change plans. The mishap is due to the crowds, that precede Him on the other side of the lake. This is an occasion for Him to think again about the Scriptures. In it more than once it is referred to the people as sheep left by themselves by those who should have taken the role of the shepherd. When the sheep are left by themselves, they are not able to keep together, they do not know where to turn either out of hunger or out of thirst, they cannot protect themselves from the wolves; and their life loses every reason for being! Today we can hear Jeremiah lending his voice to God to rebuke the authorities, king and priests, who were thinking of their own interest while ignoring the needs of the little ones, the poor, the sufferers, of whoever could not take of themselves. God shows the intention to take action through other shepherds, that will act out of true and selfless love, in His name. Among these, one in particular will take care of the sheep diligently, a just sprout of David, which will rule like a true king, true representative of God’s loving authority!

All of us know whom we should think of. Seeing the crowds gathering around Jesus like the only one who can feed, educate, unite and defend them, he himself started thinking of his presence as the presence of the shepherd promised by God! And then he welcomes those who are gathering, and he starts teaching them. First of all, he gives food to their soul, and then he thinks also of that for the body!

First of all we need a reason to live, then we eat willingly, not in order to answer a need, but in order to be ready to serve, to take part in God’s plan for our life! Jesus then sees the shepherd as someone that, first of all, feeds the spirit, and then only afterwards takes care of the material needs. He himself, as a matter of fact, has lived among the poor and has blessed the poor.

He, Saint Paul says, “is the peace between us”! He is the one who made us friends of God’s, made peace between Him and us, got us closer to the Father through His blood! With the value of His death He made possible both for Hebrews and Pagans to find the way leading to the only God, and find out in front of Him that they are only one people! Jesus, dying for love, giving Himself up with love, taking our place in His sacrifice, leads us like an only flock to the Father!

Listening to today’s readings we receive, first of all, interior peace, serenity and safety, because we know that the Father’s eyes and Jesus care are following us, Jesus who is the true shepherd. We receive also a push to find some time to stop, alone or with other brothers, to enjoy the intimacy with the Lord Jesus in listening for longer and more carefully to His word, understanding His feelings and desires, and letting them inspire us.

The responsorial Psalm, that we could learn by heart as a prayer for many different occasions, helps us remember the images that today’s readings have put in front of our eyes.


In grassy meadows

he lets me lie.

By tranquil streams

he leads me to restore my spirit.

He guides me

in paths of saving justice

as befits his name! …