OMELIE / Omelie EN
31 ott 2021 31/10/2021 – 31st Sunday in O.T. - year B
31/10/2021 – 31st Sunday in O.T. - year B
Reading 1 DEU 6,2-6 Psalm 17/18 Reading 2 HEB 7,23-28 Gospel MK 12,28-34
One of the defining traits of the Messiah is the fact He “makes the deaf to hear”. There is a practical deafness, in connection with which you cannot hear any sound, but there is also a deeper deafness, spiritual, in connection with which you do not pay attention to God’s word, the Word that is addressed to us lovingly for our salvation. From this deafness is possible to be healed only if and when we want it. Here it is, often coming back in the Scriptures, the invitation, sometimes the command: “Listen”. Today we hear it twice in the short passage from the Deuteronomy. Moses is inviting the people to listen with the desire to put what they listen into practice. The Word God is addressing the people with is foundamental, the foundation of its life.
Jesus Himself is repeating this invitation of Moses’, and makes it clear to the scribe’s ears, who is asking Him which is the first of the commandments. It looks almost like the commandment is: «Listen». Listening is basically an act of love. The importance is given by the fact that loving is God Himself’s life.
Whoever does not love, does not listen either, and whoever loves tries to make their listening more and more effective, to make it more and more attentive, available, prompt.
Whoever loves, listens in a way so the one talking is helped express himself and clarify all his desires and all his wisdom.
Whoever loves, listens also with the desire to do what the beloved person wants. This is how listening happens between spouses, how is listening between children and parents. This also how is God’s listening.
God Himself is happy if we talk to Him, and therefore Jesus is inviting us: “knock, and the door will be opened for you”, as to say that God is ready to listen to us and give us what we ask for. But also we want to listen to God in a way to let Him show us His desires. We know He is wise, that He loves us, that He even knows our future and the farthest and most complex consequences of our actions. This is why the invitation “listen” becomes one with its continuation: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…”.
Whoever listens is already on the way of love. Whoever listens is already truly and concretely starting his love. Love is not a number of feelings to enjoy and perceive, but love is concreteness of action, of availability, of offering of someone’s time and energies, of someone’s life. You shall love the Lord your God! And Jesus adds: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. Those who love God, so those who listen to Him, continue to listen to their neighbors too, because God can talk to them also through the men they meet in their journey on earth.
Love brings closer to the kingdom of God. Jesus is saying that to the scribe who understands His words: “You are not far from the kingdom of God”. So, let’s ask ourselves this: loving, is it not enough? In order to enter the kingdom of God, what do we need more than love? Love is getting us closer to the Kingdom, but it is not enough.
The letter to the Hebrews is helping us with this. We do not gain entry to the Kingdom of God thanks to our strengths only, not even thanks to the strength of our love. We enter the Kingdom of God thanks to Jesus' sacrifice, holy and innocent high priest, who offers Himself to the Father. Our love is getting us closer to God, but in order to reach Him we need to welcome the Son He sent us, we need to take part in His offer, which is spotless, perfect.
Then I will try first of all to listen to Jesus, to love Him, to put Him above everything and everyone. This love will give the necessary colour and intensity also to our love for the Father and for the neighbors. The measure I love Jesus, this is how much both God and the neighbor feel loved by me!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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