OMELIE / Omelie EN
03 gen 2021 03/01/2021 – 2nd Sunday of Christmas B
03/01/2021 – 2nd Sunday of Christmas B
Reading 1 SIR 24,1-2.12-16 * Psalm 147 * Reading 2 EPH 1,3-6.15-18 * Gospel JN 1,1-18
The liturgical time of Christmas continues until the Sunday after the Epiphany. Today too therefore we focus our attention on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. It is a mystery that fills us with joy, but also let us think again of the new and deep meaning of life and of all things and all what is happening.
As first reading we listen to a piece from the book of Sirach. It is Wisdom talking, and it is talking as if it was a person. We do not need to make any effort to understand: it is as if the Word of God was talking, the Son who says: “…my throne is in a pillar of a cloud. …Then the creator of all things commanded, and said to me: and he that made me, rested in my tabernacle. And he said to me: Let thy dwelling be in Jacob, … From the beginning, and before the world, was I created! …”. These words are a nice introduction to the repeated reading of the gospel we have already heard on Christmas Day, but all so rich in points to meditate and to marvel about, that we will never be able to read it in full. The Word is called here the true light, which, was coming into the world. Light is necessary to every man. With the word light obviously we do not mean only and not even primarily the sun’s, but we mean the clarity and understanding that everyone need to have in order to call themselves men, loved men, useful, necessary, great, and, above all, children of God. The true light which now comes is the one solving doubts and mistakes that have been and still are clouding the opinion that the man has of himself. How many ways of thinking and fashions of thinking, even called philosophies, have laid traps for and cheated many people along the centuries! Finally the true Light: with this Light I can see myself loved by the Father, I know I come from Him, I know I get from Him a certain word on which I can base my life, I realise I am a son, and I have many siblings. In this light I realise I am called to be holy and to enjoy every spiritual blessing.
This is how Saint Paul expresses Himself in today’s second reading. He too, enlightened from above, has discovered with joy his true spiritual identity, and he has discovered the true identity of God, Father of the glory. He has now only this desire left for the Christians, for us: may God have “the eyes of your heart enlightened” to let us understand “what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints”!
Jesus is our light: thanks to Him we know the Father, and thanks to Him we receive the fullness of the Father’s love.
We adore you, Lord Jesus: you enlighten and win the darkness we often hold in the heart. You come and envelope us with strength in order to win the darkness that are hunting us from outside with the seduction of appearance. We adore you, Son of the Living God! We adore you, Light from Light, True God from True God, we adore you and we desire you! When you will come make of us too children for the Father, true children of God! Thanks to you we know how to reciprocate the Father for the love we receive from Him! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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