OMELIE / Omelie EN
08 dic 2024 08/12/2024 – Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
08/12/2024 – Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
Reading 1 GEN 3,9-15.20 Psalm 97/98 Reading 2 EPH 1,3-6.11-12 Gospel LK 1,26-38
The story of the sin which has drastically changed the man’s life continues with a calling coming from God. God calls the man, lets him hear His voice, is making Him see that His presence next to him is not optional. But the man does not like to be looked for by God: he realises he has broken the communion with Him, and he thinks it is easier not even to try to piece is back together. God, though, in His wisdom of Father, knows that in this situation the man is doomed to go to his ruin: he will not be able to be in communion even with the closest people, he will not be able to find peace inside himself nor to enjoy anything of the creation around him. In the sinful situation the man will only be able to destroy or destroy himself. Unfortunately, this is the experience that each one of us has had and the experience that everyone now can see.
When some young person seriously disobeys God, in fact, they avoid the places where people live in communion. They are not going anymore where someone could fix on them a pure eye. It becomes a habit for them to frequent nighttime venues or wear dark sunglasses.
Humanity lives in this state of darkness, men try to hide themselves, both using lies or isolating themselves, by having fun or continually laughing merrily. Nowadays not only the first Adam, but every Adam on earth cannot find the joy and the harmony of mutual communion.
How can God intervene? How will God be able to call men out of their numerous hiding places? There it finally is, God’s intervention. An angel brings word to a Virgin of the most unknown village of the least appreciated region. The angel has a name which reminds of strength, the strength which needs to win over human reservations. The village also has a name which induce curiosity: a name which is as beautiful as a flower, which reminds of the sprouting of branches, the coming of news. The groom promised to the girl has the name of the favourite son of Jacob, the son God had sent to prepare the way for his brothers: and it means “God adds”. God adds another life for the man, who is incapable of living because of his sin. The virgin's name is too beautiful to be translated in our words: its meanings could really be many. This girl is the receiver of the Word brought by the Angel.
This word is not new. Is the word God has addressed to the whole people of Israel when He has promised its savior. Mary receives the invitation to rejoice, sing and exalt. She understands that the joy that is announced to her asks her to make available her whole life, asks her complete love, an offering of herself without limitations.
Mary does not hesitate for lack of faith, but only for humility. Can a girl so far from Jerusalem be chosen by God for a task so great?
When God chooses someone, is He maybe depending from men’s beliefs or expectations? God has already rewarded a sterile relative of hers by giving her a son, and so He had shed a light on His mercy. God is not asking anyone for advice, even less to those who think they are great and important.
God chooses whoever He wants and prepares whoever He wants. Even more shine the goodness and the greatness of God the smaller are the creatures He makes use of to realise His plans. God has chosen Mary and has already enriched her with His grace. In her there is only the “yes” to God’s will. In her heart do not find place any nos.
Today we rejoice for the presence of the yes in Mary and for the lack in her of any nos: it is the pure life we call Immaculate Conception! We are happy for what God has done, for the love with which He shows us He wants to start over loving humanity always again and again. Mary is the fruit and the sign of this love. Mary is the voice with which God the Father wants to reach the man who has hidden himself, full of fear because of his sin.
If you look at Mary, you can see God who loves you! You look at Mary and hear the reassuring Voice which is looking for you to tell you you are still welcome, and your presence is agreeable to the Father. He has not taken offence because of your sin. Your sin has ruined your life, and now He wants to heal it. The presence of Mary in the Church is the announcement of mercy and newness. Let’s welcome the name of Mary, welcome and meet her gaze: you will have peace, strength to change the course of your life, to welcome God’s voice that speaks, to welcome His Son who is walking by your side, so you will be pointing towards the Father, who is waiting for you with open arms and an amiable smile.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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