OMELIE / Omelie EN
30 mag 2021 30/05/2021 – HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY - year B
30/05/2021 – HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY - year B
Reading 1 DT 4,32-34.39-40 Psalm 32/33 Reading 2 ROM 8,14-17 Gospel MT 28,16-20
Moses makes the people of Israel aware of the great privilege that has been granted to it: being able to hear God’s voice with the certainty that it has been chosen by Him as a blessing for all peoples. The consequence of this great act of preference will be a child-like obedience. They who obey God will live joyfully, a joy that is shared with the generations to come. God’s love has to be requited with love, and the truest love is the child’s who obeys trustfully and promptly.
We can say much more. God’s love for us has been already fully matched in our behalf too by Jesus, who has loved Him as a son loves his father, and in order to demonstrate it He has loved men to the point of dying for them. Furthermore, thanks to Jesus, our knowledge of God has progressed immensely. Not only we are aware of God’s existence alone, but we also know that He loves us as a mother and a father love their children; we know the one He has sent, and from Him we receive His very Spirit. By giving us His Spirit He has made us holy, has made us like Himself. This phase of our assimilation to Himself has begun when the Church has welcomed us in the baptism.
When the Church has baptised us, it has obeyed Jesus, who has sent His disciples to “make disciples of all nations”. So, what has happened when we have been baptized? We have been immersed “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. The ritual of the water poured on our head is only a symbol which means faith in the Church, which means what Jesus meant when he has given the eleven the order to teach all nations and baptise them.
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”: when these words have been spoken on us, we have entered the divine spaces: we have been covered by His Name, a Name which expresses His life of Love. We have been filled and transformed by Him. So, now we do not know Him because we have some knowledge of Him, but because we live the different forms of His love. In fact, we love as a Father would, taking initiatives for the good and the growth of the other children; we love as a son would, welcoming the love offerings from others and obeying their choices towards peace; we love as a friend or a spouse would, cooperating with others in order to spread love and a culture of love. We cannot ignore anymore the “trinity” of our God, otherwise we would have to reject that triple love which rises and grows inside us.
We know God in the Trinity of the persons, a trinity of love! If He was just one single person, like they are telling us for example the Witnesses of Jehovah or the Muslims, He could not share love in Himself, He would not be love and we could not know Him as love, and neither we would be able to imitate Him. And in fact the God that is not known as Trinity needs to be described as a God who does not have a relationship with the man, He does not want to have one: He can only be distant, imperturbable, a cold unknown and unknowable master. Furthermore, the God who is given us by the Eastern religious traditions is not even a person: he does not speak and he does not listen. He is a God who identify with the creation, the idea only that in front of us there is nothing: in those religions we will be the authority for ourselves, we will be our own gods. In either case, as in many other religious beliefs available in today’s opinion market, the man would fall into a black and inconsolable solitude.
It is a big grace to know the only God in the three divine Persons and to take part in their love. It is the grace that is letting us enjoy and savour the communion among brethren.
Thanks to the faith in Jesus, who is getting for us the gift of the Holy Spirit from the Father, we know and live the communion with Him, and consequently with each one of us. Nothing is more beautiful, nothing gives us hope and consolation, than communion, source of happiness, joy and serenity. I do not thank enough the Church of having baptised me in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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