OMELIE / Omelie EN
26/6/2016 06/01/2017 – Epiphany of the Lord
06/01/2017 – Epiphany of the Lord
World Day of Missionary Childhood
1st reading Is 60,1-6 * from Psalm 71 * 2nd reading Eph 3,2-3a.5-6 * Gospel Mt 2,1-12
Today the first reading is full of light, a light which enlightens the path of those people who walk together with their own Kings! The light is called “your own light”. To whom does Isaiah refers? We know it, because the Prophet keeps on nominating the camels “bringing gold and incense”. These words recall to the Magi (Three Wise Men) with royal dignity, who fell on their knees in presence of the Baby, hold by Mary his Mother, in sign of adoration. It is Him then the light producing the Prophet’s Joy. The Kings, named the Magi, have seen a light leading them to the grotto without hesitation. This light had origin from two springs, or we can also say that had been generated by two springs. The first: the simple and humble desire of their own heart which found in the star the reference of their own thoughts. The second: the Sacred Scriptures of the people of Israel. These Scriptures were given to them thanks to their own simplicity and humility. They did ask, they did search and they did entrust to who was wiser them. They have then arrived to the person they thought was the one who could fulfill their research, not realizing yet he was the wrong person. Nevertheless God granted them, even if their own ingenuousness had consequences and repercussions, source of suffering for the people of Israel.
The seek of the Magi becomes our feast today, and it is the celebration of a great mystery: the Child born in Bethlehem is intended to enlighten, to gives joy, to let grow the love of all the people on earth here represented by these three figures. Jesus is the gift destined not only to His people, the people of Israel: He can be known, adored and loved at first by other people, even by those who do not have the Scriptures and have not known the history of salvation. He is a gift for everyone! And therefore he can get everyone together; furthermore, he is the only one who can unite all the nations of the world. He fulfills the seek of all languages, all philosophies, all religions of the world. He is there, in Bethlehem: “Entering the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, they bowed themselves down and adored Him”. The Magi gave Him the title and the honor of the King, underestimating the possible jealousies of Herod, who suspected to be overwhelmed, although the Magi had observed all the rules of the royal protocols, unconcerned of Herod’s real intentions.
The poverty of Mary and Joseph did not scandalize them, neither were them surprised or baffled. They bowed down to Him and adored Him, recognizing in that Child the divine authority.
These mysterious three persons, who we don’t know where they came from or who they were, are for us masters and witnesses. Due to them we learn the relevance of the Child, a relevance recognized from all over the world. Therefore we also offer to this Child gold, incense and myrrh, we offer so our desires, desires of richness, of glory and of a long life. It is from Him that we receive the inspiration to use or to give our richness, either material and spiritual, so they become a tool of God’s Love. It is from Him we learn to remain hidden and gentle, so that all the glory, represented by the incense, it refers to God and not to us. It is from Him we receive the strength to wish, in ours and our beloved’ hearts, is always alive the name of “Jesus”: in fact the remembrance of our person, meant by the myrrh, must not substitute, but enhance the presence of Jesus in the hearts of the others. These Magi are also witnesses: to adore Jesus costed them a lot because they had to hide themselves and go away without the royal honors. In our modern language we might say that they have lost their status. With this price they paid, the Magi have proved the fact that nothing is worthy to stay in the place of that Child, except Himself. For this we appreciate them. And we ask God to be their imitators, either in seeking for Jesus as in finding Him, to adore Him without hypocrisy and finally in witnessing Him at any cost, including that of losing the face and the reputation.
Will we be able to teach our children this life? Yes, we will do this by living without being ashamed for Jesus’ love which is already inside our hearts. And this will be Christmas’ gift for our children, the most useful, rich and valid gift, which overcomes in value all the other gifts which they found under the Christmas tree or near the crib. A gift which will remain present in them. So they will start to share with the children of all the world their small treasures, with the wish to be able to share with them also their great love for Jesus.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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