OMELIE / Omelie EN
06 giu 2021 06/06/2021 – Corpus Christi - year B
06/06/2021 – Corpus Christi - year B
Reading 1 EX 24,3-8 Psalm 115/116 Reading 2 HEB 9,11-15 Gospel MK 14,12-16.22-26
Today’s three readings, and the Psalm too, are talking about sacrifices and blood. Moses, with the blood of the sacrifice is sprinkling the altar built with twelve stones, the number of the twelve tribes; then he sprinkles the people too. The Altar, symbol of God’s presence, and the people are sprinkled with the same blood. It is so established a covenant. The letter to the Hebrews is also talking about blood and covenant, of purification and holiness, but it talks about another blood, not the one of the lambs killed in the temple of Jerusalem: it is Christ’s blood, at the same time sacrifice and priest, who does not enter the temple, where there is only one sign of God’s presence, but enters in front of God Himself. Jesus has given His blood, has offered His life, shaping in this way a new covenant which gives us purification and holiness. The new covenant has no expiration date and it does not need to be renewed every time, as the one sealed with the blood of the animals. He Himself has talked about this new covenant during the Last Supper, while He was blessing and praising the Father handing the cup with the wine to His disciples.
Covenant! It is one of the most beautiful and most committing words that we can find in the Sacred Scriptures. It is the word which binds on our side God Himself. He has seen the basic incapability of men to be faithful, and therefore, in His great love, He pledges Himself not to ever interrupt His benevolence towards them. Jesus, with His blood, is the warranty for the Father’s faithfulness. The disciples during the Supper probably have little understood what their Lord had said and done, and neither we can catch all the possible sides of that action. We can only scratch the surface of these realities with our intellect, however we receive their fruits fully.
Today we stand in front of this mystery with adoring intentions, desiring that it may operate a great transformation in each one of us’ life and in our society. Therefore, if only we could, we would bring it with us on the roads, in front of the doors of our homes. And we would kneel on the roads: these are blessed places too, they are are also holy, because they have been made holy by the Body and the Blood of the Lord who is passing through. We will not forget that this Body and this Blood continue to go along those roads when a Christian who had been feeding on them on Sundays uses them.
In Christian countries, in fact, after Mass, but for the restrictions due to the pandemic, today we faithful would walk together along the street of our cities or towns carrying the Eucharistic Bread and singing the praises of Jesus' love: in this way the whole of our being would be helped understand the vital importance of the communion which the Lord’s presence establishes among us. Those rights of ours that usually achieve to ruin and destroy the community are not important, they eliminate God’s glory from our hearts and from the garden which is our earth.
Who knows? Today, during the time of adoration with which we will replace the procession, those feelings which often keep us separated might disappear from our heart!
We have in front of us the Sacrament of unity, the Sacrament of our communion with God and our communion with the brethren: in our daily tasks we will remember that this is important and is valid forever, this is letting us overcome the obstacles in our brotherhood. The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ is establishing the communion with the Father and makes us blood kins, brethren united by the Lord’s blood. This was the desire, nay, the will of Jesus, when He has given to His own people the Bread and offered them the cup.
Let us pray and adore, so our selfishness may not obstacle the action towards communion God wants to perform in us in order to give the world new and certain signs of His love and His presence!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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