OMELIE / Omelie EN
21 apr 2024 21/04/2024 - 4th Sunday of Easter - B
21/04/2024 - 4th Sunday of Easter - B
1st reading Acts 4,8-12 from Psalm 117 2nd reading 1Jn 3,1-2 Gospel Jn 10,11-18
Good Shepherd Sunday – Prayers for Vocations
Why then have Peter and John healed a man lame from birth, simply by calling out Jesus’s name? Peter is answering the leaders of the people, in front of whom both of them had to appear in chains like two criminals. That man has been healed so they too, the leaders, could believe that God had brought back from the dead that Jesus who had been crucified. And not only that: that very Jesus rejected by the leaders is made by God the cornerstone of His building. He is the Savior the only Savior for all men, the only one who could free them from their sins. The miracle happened in Jerusalem, in the very spot of the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, must have been a sign, just like all Jesus’s miracles were. Now, with this testimonial, even the leaders have the chance and an easy way to believe that Jesus is alive and active among them. But this time too the only ones to become believers are the poor, the humble and the simple people.
That Jesus, who Peter is announcing to the leaders of Israel, we hear today while He shows up in Jerusalem after having performed one of the greatest gestures: He has restored the sight of a man born blind. He has attracted a lot of enmity from the greatest people with that action, but to them in particular, who are still His enemies, He reveals Himself using words which, through well known metaphors, refer to God’s identity, the God who loves His people and all His creatures. In fact God, through the prophets, has often introduced Himself as the shepherd who is taking care of the sheep, the shepherd who approaches the sheep that has lost its way, the sick one, the one that has just given birth, the shepherd who protects the flock and guides it to luxuriant pastures. So God has spoken of Himself, but the people see only Leaders who are only interested in exploiting the poor, and it suffers to be left alone, easy prey of men who cannot give love.
Now Jesus introduces Himself as the true shepherd, the one who makes present God’s practical love among the people. He is the love of God promised by the prophets, the love which takes care of everyone, which does not exclude the poor and the oppressed, which offers itself to the point of giving up its life. Jesus is God with us, is the God who loves us, who makes us great with His love, worthy of being called and truly be His children.
Saint John the apostle too is telling us about the Father’s love today, which is reaching us through Jesus, a love which will allow us to see Him, nay to become similar to Him.
Today we are invited to pray, all Church as a single heart, for those people Jesus has chosen, called and sent to give still the signs of His presence as the Good Shepherd: may they be strong and generous in the faith to spread hope and inspire charity.
Let us also pray so the Father may continue to give us men who can take care of our soul, of our relationship with Him, of our unity with the other children of His.
Let us pray the Father so He may send His Holy Spirit to boys and young adults, so many of them may give their life to Him, offering themselves to serve the Christian community, so in it may never lack the sign of the presence of the Good Shepherd. We will always be able to find near us a priest ready to listen to us in the name of Jesus and to give us God’s Word!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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