OMELIE / Omelie EN
17 mag 2020 17/05/2020 - 6th Sunday of Easter - A
17/05/2020 - 6th Sunday of Easter - A
Reado1 ACTS 8,5-8.14-17 * Psalm 65 * Reading 2 1Pt 3,15-18 * Gospel JN 14,15-21
The most authentic and beautiful prayer is Jesus': today is reassuring us that He is praying the Father for us and for us He is asking Him to give us the Holy Spirit! He would like the Holy Spirit to stay always with us and to dwell in us: in this way, we will always be animated, inspired, supported, consoled by the Father’s Spirit and Jesus’! The request for the Holy Spirit is given to God also by the apostles Peter and John in the city of Samaria: there, many had believed Phillip's preachings, so they have believed in Jesus dead and risen from the dead, and they had been baptized: this was not enough, however. If the believer does not welcome the Holy Spirit in His life and He is not transformed, he still is a believer, but without joy and strength to bear testimony. This is why Peter and John have stepped in to complete Philip's beautiful doing. They are stretching out the arms over the believer, and they receive God's Spirit. Their life is completely transformed: they are not living for themselves any more, but for the Father’s and the Son's glory.
Who knows if we still should pray to receive the Holy Spirit, who will make us living in the faith, effective in our testimony, ready and selfless in taking on the needs of the Kingdom of God! We say we have received it when we have received Holy Confirmation. If we really had received it, we would have been way more focused on the Word, more present in the believers' gatherings, more desiring to communicate the knowledge of God to our brethren, to the young ones, to the children. Indifference and coolness in our ecclesiastical communities tell that we have saddened the Holy Spirit. If in our communities does not enter the Holy Spirit to renew and revive the believers, our churches will keep being empty, and many Christians will keep going there out of duty, almost out of compulsion, without joy and therefore without looking attractive to they children and grandchildren and to those who still do not the Lord Jesus Christ!
In his first letter, Saint Peter is recommending us to make a temple out of our heart, so a place of adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ. For sure, if there will be in us this living relationship with the Lord, we will have wisdom and strength to give explanations of our faith: we will not say anymore “I believe because this is what my parents taught me”, without any other explanation, but we will say “I believe because Jesus loved me, He has died for me, He has shown me the Father’s face, He has put in my heart a fire that keeps burning of love for Him and for the whole world”. Peter is recommending us to be witnesses, “with delicacy and respect”, so without fanatisms and without getting angry, but also without hesitation and fear to let others see our faith and our heart's love for the Lord.
When the Holy Spirit comes in us, we will also be able to suffer for the Lord, and we will gladly suffer for the Church, to serve it, to make it aware of the need of the world for listening to the Father’s Word, to revive its witnessing charity and hope!
The Lord Jesus keeps praying the Father to send the Consoling Spirit to stay always with us, the Spirit of Truth to make our life too a testimony of its truthfulness. Jesus' truth is the light with which He let us see the beauty of the Father’s love. There is no other truth than this: God is love!
We are happy with Jesus praying for us, and with Him asking and obtaining for us the Holy Spirit! And we unite ourselves to His prayer, surely granted by the Father. May it remain alive in our heart and in every situation of life.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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