OMELIE / Omelie EN
10 mag 2020 10/05/2020 - 5th Sunday of Easter - A
10/05/2020 - 5th Sunday of Easter - A
Reading 1 ACTS 6,1-7 * Psalm 32 * Reading 2 1PT 2,4-9 * Gospel JN 14,1-12
Every believer's desire is to be able to address God as His children, with a lot of familiarity. Today Jesus invites us: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me”. Our faith needs really to be a living ome, both in our relationship with God the Father and in our relationship with Jesus! This is an important statement: if Jesus Himself is asking us to have faith in Him as well, this means that He is God, so the fullness of the Father’s love close to us. “Have faith also in me”, He tells His disciples in order to help them to overcome the confusion in which they have been plunged in after the discovery of Judah's betrayal and Peter's rejection.
And for helping us to have faith in Him like in God the Father, Jesus, in today's Gospel, is revealing Himself to us with all His divine splendor. In Him we will have faith, because with Him, who is the way, we reach the Father: we know Him already exactly thanks to His words and His character. We cannot think of God without Jesus' Word and without His character. We cannot meet God without sticking to Jesus. We would risk imagining an inexistent God, becoming idolaters, missing His love. Only Jesus is the way to our encounter with the Father’s love. The Father is still hidden from our eyes, but we can see the Son. This is an additional revelation: “I am the truth”, because whoever sees Jesus sees the Father. And the Father’s love is the safe and eternal truth, the hidden truth to human eyes, but unveiled by the Son. Not only, Jesus is in the Father, and the Father is in Him, who, therefore, can and must say that He is the “life”. The life is made of relationships, all absent from whom is dead. The true relationships, deep and eternal are those which start with the Father and arrive to Him. This is why Jesus can and has to say to us that He is “the life”. It is with Him that we too can relate to truly live.
The apostles have understood and experienced this, this is why Peter is recommending us to remain with Christ, almost glued to Him, like the stones of a building are tightly linked to each other starting from the corner stone. Whoever is united to Jesus enjoys an invaluable wealth, so much so to get honour because of this faith! Jesus is dead, but we are not ashamed of this, on the contrary, we boast about His death as the event that highlights His preciousness: He is the stone discarded by men, which God has chosen as indispensable for His building.
God’s building is the Church! This the place in which Jesus, as Head, is preparing the seats for us. The seats that Jesus is preparing for us are not armchairs or comfortable sofas for spectators who are having fun, but seats from where we will be able to take part in Jesus' joy, seats where we will be loved by the Father and with Him we will also be able to love our brethren. It is love what fully fulfills our life, the love we receive from Jesus. In our seats will be included the cross, without which we cannot be similar to the Son of God, our Lord and Teacher. The seats are different: the apostles are telling us today through the choicesade by them at the beginning, when they had to face the first problems within the community.
There are seats dedicated to the service of Charity, the service of prayer and those of the ministry of the Word! No believer has to find themselves out of their place, everyone need to occupy one, and they do not choose it by themselves, but they will take the one prepare for them by Jesus. Jesus has not prepared useless seats, nor seats from which starting judging what others do, or asking others to do their job. Jesus prepares seats where everyone serves the brethren, either through direct actions, or prayer or through the preaching of the Word of His Gospel.
Nobody chooses His seat, the latter is given to Him, and everyone welcomes it with humility and generosity.
Everyone is working on the same house, on the same God's love for men. All seats are necessary, all honourable, all priceless: those that are more hidden are the most delicate and precious. And all of them are a taste of the seat of glory where Jesus will bring us at the end, when we will have fulfilled the task in His Church.
We hung on to you, Lord Jesus, our safe way, our light of truth and our full and true life! Tightly joined to you we will be a great gift for our brethren and for the world!
Today, mother’s day, we call upon the Holy Spirit also for mums; they have cooperated with the Father’s love in order to give life: may the Holy Spirit increase their joy by making them able to show and communicate God's love to their children and to all children, Mary did with Jesus!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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