OMELIE / Omelie EN
22 set 2024 22/09/2024 - 25th Sunday in O.T. - B
22/09/2024 - 25th Sunday in O.T. - B
Reading 1 WIS 2,12.17-20 Psalm 53 Reading 2 JAS 3,16 - 4,3 Gospel MK 9,30-37
The word of God answers a question that nowadays too Christians tend to ask themselves: why is the world targeting us? What are we doing wrong? Why is there the tendency to want to eliminate every sign of our faith, and only ours, from public places? With all the good things the Church has done through the Saints and still does through her members busy in every place and every field, why is there so much animosity against her and her representatives?
The book of Wisdom convinces us that this situation is anything but uncommon. Already in the old days the people doing God’s will, obeying the commandments and living honestly, were hated and rejected, probed and condemned like criminals. What was their fault?
Their righteous behaviour sounds like a rebuke to whom wants to ignore God’s presence and His judgement. Those who live taking it seriously and in a loving way are like a reproach for those who live selfishly without respect for their neighbours. Today things are still like that, and it will be the same in the future, as long as sin will be able to occupy the feelings and the will of men.
We will not let ourselves be scared. We know that the just, tested more than anyone else, is Jesus, our Master and Lord. He Himself has disclosed to His disciples that the words of the book of Wisdom would have become true in His life. “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him”. The disciples knew that He was the Son of Man, He who had healed sick people, freed from unclean spirits, opened the eyes of blind people, made the mute speak again, multiplied the loaves of bread. What had He done that was bad?
The disciples did not understand why Jesus needed to be killed. However, He was saying this of Himself. He had also said he was going to rise after only three days: this sentence was even more incomprehensible, a sentence which was calling upon God’s power completely.
Among themselves they are not talking about death and resurrection, instead they are talking about whom – in case Jesus should actually die – would have to take His place. Who is the greatest among us?
How much suffering for Jesus: He suffers thinking He is going to be rejected, but He suffers even more after hearing what His disciples are worrying about. They have not realised that, for Him, needs to be treated as “great”, so very attentively, people who suffer, the small ones ignored by everyone else: these are the true great ones worth to be servants of. The disciples need to think of themselves like servants of these “great” people, who will be considered the first, the ones who need to have our attention. He Himself, when He will not be there anymore, will still be able to be welcomed: how? “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me”.
This is the infallible way to become great before God, to welcome God Himself in ourselves. God is the God who loves and wants the life and the peace of those who cannot take care of themselves: we can take upon us the same love, so to be recognised part of His people, His children and cooperators. We will enjoy His trust, even of we will have to endure the rejection of those who continue to put distance between Him and themselves and to reject Him.
Saint James, in the second reading, allows himself to speak to us the hard way, needed to awake us. His, is a true love, a love that can be though. He is saying that there are too many quarrels even among the believers: they are making space for jealousy, and the latter bears its bad fruit. The «passions that make war within your members» are still there: they are greed, envy, little faith or a faith too weak, which lets itself be then overcome by the passions.
The apostle is also showing us too the path to extricate ourselves from the thorny bushes of the «passions», and it is about looking for the true «wisdom from above which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy». It is the wisdom the world cannot stand, because it is in contrast with the selfish habits, but it is the wisdom Jesus would like to see in His disciples’ heart, the one which loves by serving little and suffering people. Let us ask it for us to the Father with a persevering and humble prayer! When we ask for wisdom, the Father is granting it joyfully!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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