OMELIE / Omelie EN
26/6/2016 11/06/2017 - Sunday of the Holy Trinity - A
11/06/2017 - Sunday of the Holy Trinity - A
1 Es 34,4-6.8-9 * Psalm from Dn 3 * 2nd reading 2Cor 13,11-13 * Gospel John 3,16-18
This first Sunday after Pentecost is devoted to contemplating the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit opens our minds to know, but - above all – our hearts to the love of God. We can understand how He truly is, although still in a narrow and simple way. We know Him as Love and therefore as relationship, and we are all invited by the Scriptures themselves to refer to Him using the same words we are used to use in the environment in which we are abler to love and to be loved, our family. The words are these: Father, Son and their mutual love, that is a third source of love, and precisely the Holy Spirit. We know God, not really when we speculate about His way of being and His possibilities, but when we love Him and we love one another instead. It is love the mean that enables us to get closer to God’s hidden beauty and greatness. We can say then that today’s feast is the feast of love. “God is love” indeed: we repeat it together with the Apostle John.
Jesus Himself today tells us – while speaking to Nicodemus during the night about his fears coming from his self-respect – that God “loved the world”. God’s love made flesh in the Son, God-Love He Himself, is given to the men He created in His own image but who are not able to love any more as He does, because of the sin that envelops them and refrains them. God wants to restore us, he wants to get us back as children, and therefore he “gave” His Son, He gave Him to us in order for us to be able to see Him and to imitate Him, welcoming Him and being transformed. In this way, “one who believes in him” can find again that life for what they were created, the divine life, eternal, luminous and full of holy love. The Son visibly brings us the Father’s invisible love. The Father’s love has become concrete, tangible, full of strength, in the person of the Only Begotten, who has precisely the task of loving us. He is coming to save us, to save the sinful man that has been already condemned by his own sin, and He saves him approaching him in order to become united to him. As a matter of fact, “no one who believes in him will be judged”, because whoever believes in Him is united to Him and in this way he changes, he is healed and blessed.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are here for us. The Apostles understood it well. Today we can hear Saint Paul inviting everybody to be joyful, even after having rebuked the faithful because of their serious sins and having urged them to persevere in pursuing their own conversion. Joy is already a sign of having been saved, is the enjoyment of salvation! Who is saved by Jesus is joyful, and this joy pushes them to live in communion, to be open to others in order to encourage and console them. Who is saved, as a matter of fact, does others the same service as Jesus, others that are still not enjoying completely the gift of salvation.
The joy of the believer is the same as that of the Father for the Son, and that of the Son for the Father, is the same joy as that of the Saints, of Mary, Elisabeth, Simeon and Anna, that of the shepherds in Bethlehem, the joy of who, still carrying their daily crosses, have love in their heart.
Getting to know God is a source of joy, because is the beginning of the salvation. Who knows the Father and the Son finally obtains the true life! Jesus once said exactly this: “And eternal life is this: to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent!” the acquaintance with the Father started slowly, when He wanted to meet with Moses on Mount Sinai. It is a friendship that requires effort, the effort to climb the mount alone carrying the burden of two stone tablets. Right on the top, Moses bends down to the ground, prostrate himself and prays. His, is a beautiful prayer: he is not asking God for something, but for Him to be always present among the people, notwithstanding the fact that it was “an obstinate people”, always ready to incur in the sin of unfaithfulness and disobedience. The people needs forgiveness, it always needs it, but this need cannot prevent God from walking among it. “Please, my Lord, come with us, and forgive our faults and sins”. The knowledge of God began like this and is completed with Jesus, who has been behind the sinner, when they were asking for forgiveness by going in the waters of the Jordan. Then the Father has shown His joy for Him and His presence for us all.
For us it is so beautiful being able to say that we believe not in a God, but in a Father, and that He showed Himself in the Son and that He loved us with the Son’s love. He uses Him to walk with us, among His people, like Moses requested. And it is even more beautiful to know that His love becomes visible to the world through our small and great acts of love, even when they require effort, exactly like the cross has been hard for Jesus.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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