OMELIE / Omelie EN
06 gen 2021 06/01/2021 - Epiphany of the Lord
06/01/2021 - Epiphany of the Lord
Reading 1 IS 60,1-6 Psalm 71/72 Reading 2 EPH 3,2-3.5-6 Gospel MT 2,1-12
After reading the Gospel today the priest lists the dates of the most important feasts of the liturgical year, starting from Easter. The latter is the core day of the mystery of the salvation which all the holy days in which we celebrate the Eucharist are coming from, the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of the Lord. Today’s feast too is the prelude to the mystery central to our faith. In the gospel we read is highlighted the presence of the hatred towards Jesus, the hatred that wants to bring Him to death, the hatred that however cannot manage to suffocate the humble’s love for Him, even more, that of the foreigners and Pagans, or the love that makes humble even those who could be at the same level of the great personalities of the world.
The wise men start, pushed by the reality of this world – the stars – to look for a unknown person, from whom they are certain to receive fullness of life and satisfaction. They are obeying the results of their researches, which are realistic, but incomplete: the stars cannot tell you everything. They need help in order to reach their destination, they need to ask men, up to the point of reaching for the holy pages of the Scriptures of the prophets of Israel. Here, exactly these have the answer to the searching of the heart and mind of the wise men!
In Jerusalem the experts of the Scriptures know where the Lord is. However, it is not enough to know where He is to make meeting Him happen. If those who know do not have a humble heart and do not admit they need salvation, their knowledge will not be of any use. If knowledge supports pride, the latter prevents from taking advantage of what you know.
Herod uses the knowledge in order to satisfy his jealousy and envy, the wise experts of the Scriptures do not know they need Him, so they do not take any step to meet the one who is born.
The steps are taken by those who came from afar, the Pagans looking at the stars. The latter, even if they are following a limited human science, have the desire and the firm will to meet the one they do not know: about Him they only know that He is worth meeting and adoring. Their path reminds me that sometimes I too am satisfied knowing that Jesus exists, I am good with what I already know about Him, while others make a huge effort in order to meet Him personally and enjoy His love. I cannot help myself to think of those Muslims who, in order to meet Jesus, face the danger to be put to death by their relatives or fellow citizens, or they have to choose a voluntary exile in far away countries.
The wise men coming from far away meet the Child in Mary’s arms. Mary is important to everyone, because she is important to the Child. She is the one showing Him to them, enshrouded in her silence. She is the one accepting the gifts of their adoration, significant gifts both for Him and for them. The gift of gold show His royalty and greatness, the frankincense His divinity and glory, the gift of myrr His path leading to a precious death to God and to everyone. For them the same gifts mean acceptance of poverty, will to obey, detachment from every created reality and every creature.
Jesus is a child, but His story is already taking the dramatic tones of His passion and the glorious ones of His resurrection. In them, the words of the prophet are shining: “Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you!” and also: “Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance”. Jesus is the centre of the universe, the goal of all the aspirations of the man’s heart. In front of Him all researching stops, because every fullness is in Him, in Him every man’s heart finds joy and peace. Even if He is still small, even if He still cannot speak, He still is God’s gift, the Saviour who fulfills every research. This is why we, who know it, want to be a mirror of His glory with our humble and open love, so many other may find the path to reach Him. We want to live our life so it is the star that guides who is looking for life to meet Him and to be enriched and transformed.
Today’s feast would like to fill us with a strong missionary spirit, in a way that our living is going to be useful to Jesus in order to show many others the sweet and precious fruit of His presence and so attract to Him their hearts. Children too can already live this desire, so children their age in the whole world might get to know and love the same Jesus who is for them peace and joy, consolation and internal richness, safety and serenity.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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