OMELIE / Omelie EN

09/10/2016 - 28th Sunday of O.T. C

09/10/2016 - 28th Sunday of O.T. C 

1ª Reading 2 Kgs 5,14-17 * from Psalm 97 * 2nd Reading 2Tm 2,8-13 * Gospel Lk 17,11-19

Finally Naaman, the commander of the enemy forces, obey the prophet Elisa. It is also true that he obeys “voluntarily”, he does this infact on the insistence of his own servants, who have a much greater faith than his. However he is healed from leprosy. This fact is recounted for its conclusion: in recognition to the prophet, or better, to the God of the prophet, a great and marvelous God, the commander brings with him to his house a few sacks of earth to prepare a platform on which he could kneel to adore him. He recognized that there is no other God who is worthy to be loved and honored. The other gods are absolute emptiness, they are not worthy neither to to be mentioned, as Psalm 16 underlines. It is only the God of Israel, who speaks to the prophets and bless even the enemies of his people, who is able to have the attention and veneration. The responsorial Psalm invited us to show our recognition to a God who “knows his salvation” and “remembers of his love, of his fidelity to the house of Israel”. All the earth must exalts and sing to proclaim a God who is so holy and worthy.

The fact that Namibia was healed from the leprosy prepares us to listen to the episode narrated in the Gospel. Here we have 10 lepers which Jesus - who much more bigger than Eliseo - meets and heals, simply because they asked him. Jesus does not send them to the river to purify themselves in water for 7 times, but he invites them directly to the priests to verify this event of healing and he declares them purified, rehabilitating them in society. Jesus hears and purifies. And Jesus obeys the laws respecting the rules. All the 10 lepers became aware of their healing. Almost all of them walk back to their own house, in the villages from which they returned and from which they have been expelled because of their disease. Instead , only one, distances himself from the group, does not make what the others do, he lives his own freedom from the common opinion, rather a freedom from his own self: he finds more important than his own proper social consideration that “Master” whom he had called and who healed him. Thus he follow the road, ad did Namibia, to show his own recognition and thanksgiving. To whom does he show it? To an invisible God? No he wants to show it to Jesus. Thus he prostrates himself in front of Him, recognizing his divine authority. This prostration is a sign of the servant who puts himself at the disposition, as if to say: if you need me, here I am, Ask me and I will do it. This is a marvelous gesture, because it is a Samaritan who does it. He too, even if he is a Samaritan, has been healed and it is he, judged without faith and distant from Go, it is he who returns to Jesus showing his gratitude, a different fait from those of the 9 Hebrews. His is a faith capable to recognize Jesus author of the   work of God.

His is a faith which can go against the public opinion and the ways usually done by the others. It is a faith which recognized Jesus as more important than his own desires and interests. His faith is a faith which saves. Jesus tells him “Your faith has saved you”. But Jesus also tells him that he was expecting the 9 others who never returned...and where are they?

This is a dangerous question , Yes, because, me too find myself in places where my own interests are decisive, and not the person of Jesus. He loved me, forgave me, healed me, and gave me life and infinite joy and I am here thinking of myself.

I should be down on my face in front of Him, must be full of gratitude to make myself for his kingdom but instead I find myself further away. I am one of the faithful, but I am fare away from him more than a great sinner or a heretic like the Samaritan.

And the 99 other where are they”. At this question of Jesus, who remained without answer, I must answer it today. Am I one of the 99? What should I do today?

I will do what the apostle recommends: he will indicate for me Jesus, “who is risen from the death”, to suffer for his gospel, for his word of salvation, which must arrive to all sinners, and the other lepers so that may be healed. I will remind myself of Jesus, of his passion, price for my healing and for my salvation. I remember Jesus so that I will die with him he dies saying “if we die with him, with him We will live”. I remember Jesus so that I will express to him my thanks and the thanks of all the Church: this I will do it during the celebration of the Eucharist, the action of grace which he himself gave us, and commanded us to do saying “Do this in memory of me”. I will remember Jesus.