OMELIE / Omelie EN

13/11/2016 - 33rd Sunday of O.T. - C

13/11/2016 - 33rd Sunday of O.T. - C 

1st reading Ml 3,19-20 from Psalm 97 2nd reading 2Ts 3,7-12; Vangelo Lc 21,5-19


The prophecy of Malachy and the prophecy of Jesus meet perfectly; many times they fullfilled and they are again coming into reality. Neither the one nor the other, as regards to how things come, say “All is well!”. Malachy underlines the diversity that there is and will be between those who have the fear of God and try to obey him and those who become proud like the devil. These, on the day of the Lord ‘will become like straw” infront of the fire: they do not have consistency. Those who have the fear of God, that is they continue to obey Him with love, they will have the future glory.

When some of His disciples admire arts, who render splendid and beautiful the temple, Jesus repeat the prophecy of Malachy with other words: “Of the things that you see there will not remain a stone on stone”. It is as if he wanted to say: do not get excited about the appearances, that which is material does not reamin for long, do not look for that which passes and goes by, but that which remains for ever, try to look at everything with the eyes of God! The curiosity of his listeners become much more attentive, insistent but also superficial: “When?” Jesus does not appreciate the superficiality of the curiosity. He answers, but to say: if you know these things, you must start immediately, do not wait for particular facts. Immediately, from now, do not give importance to what is not important, do not attach to your heart that which finishes, do not wait to convert your life. Many things will happen, as they have happened in the past, tremors and earthquakes, famine, wars and revolutions. The world continues to be under the dominion of the enemy, Satan, who commands all men. You should wake up, do not let yourself be dominated by him. Do not live as if you are in a coma, do not hypnotize yourself by his nice promise, by his things that seem nice, by his false and fake reasoning and by the Satan’s’ servants who seem to be attractive. Wake up, take notice. If you are a true believer, you must know that the enemy wants your own death. He tends to weaken your own faith, and if he does not succeed in doing this, he will start persecuting you, he will push other people to condemn you; they will make laws to cancel the name of God the Father and the holy name of Jesus from the hearts of men and this will start from the children. He wants infact to form them similar to him, violent and impure and full of arrogance. For this reason he try to get them away from Jesus. He will use the ignorance of their mothers, the indifference of their fathers and the superficiality of their teachers and those in who take care of them during the week. And also, he will introduce at school wrong teachings making them appear intelligent. “They will put your hands on you”, says Jesus to those listening to him. That is, if my Word is important for you, you will find obstacles and you will be despiced, and they will try to make you forget my Word and to renounce me. And Jesus, look at this, does not put in our hands arms to defend us, does not preoccupy of our own living. As if he sees that moment as a beautiful and big opportunity: “That will be your opportunity to bear witness”.

Today, these days and these months are “opportunity”, occasion to be witnesses of Jesus. He himself will free us from the preoccupations and uneasiness, promising us himself the “word and wisdom” to be witnesses of the presence and the love of God. He himself knows that   for our testimony we can be put to death, as happened to millions of our brothers and sister throughout the past centuries and continue to happen today: “You will be hated by everyone on account of my name”. I have read during these days the proposal of an important person in our country to pass a law which closes to the Christians the doors to become doctors specialized in gynecology, if in a case of request, they will not accept to kill the life started in the pregnant woman. Such proposals have already been sounded in various parts. “You will be hated by everyone on account of my name”, but we continue to love the name of Jesus! “But no a single hair of your head will be lost”, promises Jesus. This does not mean that persecution will stop for us, but that our faith and our love will not lose their own value and their strength of testimony.

Saint Paul has been an example with his own decision and his own perseverance in the midst of true persecutions. He is sad that there are Christians who live a disordered life which is not committed to the gospel. Is it possible that many suffer for the name of Jesus and someone else instead continue to live a life void of meaning, without commitment and testimony to our Lord Jesus? Paul orders to these people to work to earn the bread: even in this he gives his example.

So we continue to persevere in living oriented to Jesus, obedient to him, even when this will cost us alot, even when this will be difficult and will hit us. Thus our lives will become more precious and our witness will be a light for many people.