OMELIE / Omelie EN
06 gen 2025 06/01/2025 - Epiphany of the Lord - Year C
06/01/2025 - Epiphany of the Lord - Year C
First reading Isaiah 60,1-6 from Psalm 71 Second reading Ephesians 3,2-3.5-6 Gospel Matthew 2,1-12
The mystery we celebrate today is an epiphany of the Lord, an event, that is, which shows Him as the Son of God and as the Messiah promised by the prophets. The passage from the Gospel is giving us two ways men can go looking for Him. On top of this, from reading the same text we become persuaded that our search for Him cannot end well unless He Himself comes to meet us.
The wise men are looking for Him, coming from afar, so from pagan countries. Their means of looking are based even on astrology, on considerations completely different from the faith. Their search is earnest, even if the tools are strange, or incompatible with whom they are looking for. Despite this, they arrive in good time, even if they were not able to continue the search without help from the knowledgeable people of the Jewish people, and so from their Scriptures.
The chief priests and the scribes of the people are looking for Him, they who know the Scriptures. They are prompted to look for information about Him, compelled by Herod, and from the Scriptures they receive the answer, but they have no desire to meet Him, the desire which is necessary to take actual steps in the direction of Bethleem.
The Hebrews, certain of their truth, are looking for Him without love, with fear He might change something of their day-to-day life.
The Pagans, even if they came from erroneous premises, are moved by love, by the certainty that they cannot live without Him, by the joy of hoping that a great change in their life might come from meeting Him.
The former and the latter reach the gates, very close to accomplishing their “specific” desire. But none of them would actually reach the meeting spot without the light which comes from above.
Our prayer today is about asking God to keep shining His light, because those who are close and those who are coming from far away might find…might find Jesus!
Many nowadays are coming from far away. Are coming from far away not only those who have never heard of the Child in Bethleem, but also many so-called Christians, who have only heard vague information about the Child from people who do not love Him or do not want to let Him in their life.
And then we pray, thankful for having met Jesus in His Mother's arms. We thank Him, worried we might be at risk of losing the certainty of His presence and the grace of serving Him. Our thank you them becomes a supplication: we ask God for the humility we need to remain faithful to Him even if we become aware of the fear of Herod and his courtesans, we ask for the strength to conquer the fear of men and the fear of their rejection. But our prayer becomes above all the desire of becoming ourselves too, on one hand, knowledgeable about the Scriptures, to help with them the brethren who are asking us about the place where to meet the Son of God and, on the other hand, luminous, so even without words, our life might become an attraction and a nudge towards Him.
We will not be discouraged to live in a Godless world, or a world which is serving its own idea of God, instead of the God who has shown Himself. Let us not be discouraged: God Himself can shine a meaningful light for everyone to see. The way in which is possible for someone among Muslims to start looking earnestly for Jesus, so is also possible that in front of the eyes of our distracted or lost youngsters may shine the star which will guide them to Him. Anyway, everyone will reach Him in the end, everyone who wants life, who is looking for the truth, who is hungry for bread and water for their heart.
He is the only Son who is gathering the children in true community, the only Bread that satiates all men, the only truth which answers what the heart is waiting for. Is able to find Him whoever is humble, so humble that he can take the indications of those who read the Scriptures, so humble that he can recognise as the throne of the King, Son of God, the arms of a poor Mother, praying and silent.
May you too be able to see in Him your God! The Father is dragging and attracting us all towards Jesus for this reason. He knows that, if we love and we welcome the Child, we will be guided by Him to take part in His perfect life, full and rich in communion with many brethren!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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